(No, not games to play.
Games THEY play!)
circus is coming to town!
alright! We met her, got together with her, and even impressed her
with our "domestic skills" Now is when the real drama
begins. The games she will begin to play! Unless you are absolute
soulmates who fell over in love at first sight with one another, she will test
every facet of your being in every possible way. And she has no rulebook
governing her. Even the most saintly of women will play one of the
following games (or some even more dastardly). This will most surely
happen in the first few months of your relationship.
no way possible can we come even close to documenting even .00001% of the games
she will play and that you will eventually encounter. Here are some of our
favorites and suggested (if not proven) resolutions for them.
and the most deplorable:
The Brush Off
Here's how this one goes:
known her for months and see each other every day. Her eyes sparkle when
she looks into yours. She is never without a smille when you are
together. She tells you anything and always laughs at your jokes and corny
antics. She also happens to be a absolute hottie! Maybe when you
met, you were with someone else. She was with someone else. Now, as
luck would have it, neither one of you are. So some time goes by, you're
moving on from your ex and begin to think "Man, I think it's time to get
together with her." So after subtly making your feelings known, you
ask her out - "Ya, I'd love to do something this weekend. Call me
Saturday!" So you call her on Saturday. You get the
machine. Or her roommate answers and says she's taking a nap. You
have alternate plans (all of us Boy Scouts do) and go ahead and do those.
Hey - the weekend's only so long.
continues the flirting the next week, you ask her out again, and again she says
yes. And (damn her to hell) she fucking does it again.
to do about it:
cool. If she's napping or away for a bit but is expected back, you
might want to try later - one time. If you do have alternate plans
that sound like they may be fun, then the hell with her. Especially if you
called at the specified time and she is - or pretending to be, not there.
She's probably testing your desire and persistence, but don't give in and get
over-eager. Don't let her think you're such a knob that you don't have
anything better to do. Let her be the one who sits around watching crappy
movies in her sweats and eating ice cream. And wondering what you
are doing.
3 Rule. Albeit my co-conspirtator on this web site and I disagree on
the specific number (I'm more in favor of 2), this is the rule for this
game. If she does it once and still is constantly flirting with you and
showing interest, give her another chance. If she blows you off (or
something has come up) the next time, well then, you have to use your
discretion. How bad do you want her. OK, you want her pretty
damn bad. If she does it this third time however - thats it. Put
her out of your mind. If you're a good Boy Scout, you've been
putting together an assortment of alternative prospects. Now is the time
to put your efforts toward prospect number one.
do they do it?
of two reasons: They are trying to see to what lengths you will go, or,
she never intended to be with you to begin with (she just digs having a hot guy
chase after her). If it does go to 3, it is probably the latter. Or
she is a drama queen. Either way, it is frustrating and it stings a guy's
pride a little. That's why I am in favor of the 2 rule - don't give her
the chance. You are not a play toy. However, if her intentions are
the former, then you may be blowing a great opportunity to be with a great
girl. Shucks. But once again, you are not a play toy. You
wouldn't have bothered asking her out in the first place if you didn't really
mean it, would you? She should not have suspected the sincerity of your
intentions in the first place.
and, well, equally deplorable:
Please! Do anything, but please don't make me
Here's how this one goes:
Man, this may be number two on this page, but this is the most frequently
played game of all, and probably the most
to do about it:
Once again, keep cool. Not only is this the most annoying game,
it is the hardest to troubleshoot. Very few people can actually say that
they don't have a jealous bone in their body. In either of the above
scenarios, you cannot gauge the "honesty" of the "cheating"
act. In either case, they come back to you. That's if you keep your
cool - I've not yet studied what happens if you get all jealously fucked-up.
Is this for real, or a put on? Only you can determine
that. So many variables are involved, such as level of commitment.
Scenario B is obviously a ploy, given away by her best friend and the sheer
corniness of the situation. You know it's a put-on driven by
insecurity. You decide whether it's worth it or not. Scenario A,
well that's a little harder to handicap. Is she seeing someone on the
side? Is she simply doing it to see how you react? That's where
level of commitment comes in - if you're seeing someone else, then don't hold it
against her if she is too. If you're not and she doesn't know that fact - well, chances are you don't know her situation for sure either. If the two
of you do have a commitment, and you know she's cheating on you - then dump her ass!
Once again, only
you can decide. In any event, whether she's playing the game or cheating
on you - be a man. If you determine it's a game - don't ridicule her for
it, forget about it (unless it becomes habitual). If she's fuckin' around
on you then go on a bender. Sleep enough to recover and get your ass off
the couch, find a hottie, and get laid!
As I said - there are just too many games to rapidly document. This
page is still under construction and will be for a long time, because you will
send us the 411 on the games you've noticed and have had to go through.
We look forward to hearing from from you. Like I said, we can only
document so many at a time.
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